Superfree and Free Foods
Well i should probobly start off by explained what the general rules of slimming world are. The rules that you have to follow if you expect to have big weight loss. As im doing the extra easy plan its the only plan i can advice you on. All new members are told to go on the extra easy plan as far as i know. The red and green come in down the line when you are trying to shift those last few pounds.
The idea of the extra easy plan is that you have many pages of superfree, free and syned foods. You can eat as much free and superfree foods as you like as long as you stop eating when you are full. Syned foods on the other hand are bad for you and will hinder weight loss. For every meal on extra easy 1/3rd of your plate should be full superfree foods, and 2/3rds free foods. Superfree are foods like free vegetables (Not potato). Free foods are things like potatoes, chicken, egg, extra lean mince or steaks etc.
An example meal would be 1/3rd carrots (Superfree) and 2/3rd Chicken and Potato (Free). This meal is 100% on plan. You could exchange you carrot for any superfree the same goes for your chicken and potato they can be swapped out for any free foods you like.
Healthy Extras
A healthy extra is an item which would normally be syned. The difference between these items and syns is that you body needs a certain amount to make it work. Healthy option A are items like milk and cheese, dairy products in short. Healthy option B is things like cereal, cereal bars, wholemeal bread crisp breads etc. The extended list can be found in your books.
Some people will have trouble using their healthy extras everyday but the trick is to be creative. A meal which i have regularly is 1 slice of wholemeal bread turned into french toast. While it is on the pan i let 28g of spicy cheese melt into it. In this meal you have used your healthy option A (Cheese) and healthy option B (Wholemeal Bread).
Each day you should aim to have both of your healthy extras. Some people think of them as a chore to have to fit in. I personally see them as a relief as otherwise i wouldnt be able to have cheese without syning it.
Tea and Coffee drinkers beware! You are only allowed 250ml of semi-skimmed milk as you healthy option A so if your like your tea and coffee make sure you keep track of your milk intake. My consultant suggest that at the start of the day measure out 250ml of milk and put it in a bottle in the fridge. Everytime you need milk use from this bottle, when its empty you arnt allowed anymore milk!
As i mentioned before you are only allowed 1 of healthy option A and B so if you need you milk for coffee your not allowed to have your cheese that day. While we are on the topic of tea and coffee i advice getting artificial sugar. If you were to use regular sugar in your coffee/tea you could end up using you syns for the entire week very quickly. Especially if your life my mum on 10 cups a day.
Syns are the best part of the slimming world plan. Alot of diet plans will not allow you to have chocolate. This means that as time passes you will just crave it for and more. The slimming world plan allows you to have sweeties in the form of syns. Every product which is bad for you will have a syn value. If it isnt in your book you will be able to find it out on the slimming world website. Syns are not only for chocolate and sweets but for things like butter and bread.
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